Legal Review of the Flexible Work Regulation of 2017
The flexible work arrangements is a variable work schedule in contrast to traditional work arrangements requiring employees to attend work for standard workday limits and at specific hours. Under flextime, employees choose their starting and quitting times subject to achieving the total daily, weekly, or monthly hours required by employers and subject to the necessary work being done. The flextime policy allows workers to determine when they will work; whereas the flex-place policy allows them to choose where they will work depending on the selected form of flexible work arrangements.
Historically, the flexible work arrangements were introduced in the United Kingdom in 1971. In Jordan, the Flexible Work Regulation (FWR) No. 22 of 2017 was published in the Official Gazette No. 5450 of 2017 on page 1924 on March 16, 2017. The government explained that the aim of the regulation is to enhance the economic participation of many segments of the population, especially women. Also, this regulation seeks to make the work environment more open and gives greater leeway for new and pioneer opportunities (as set out in the rationale of the regulation). On April 01, 2018, pursuant to the Article 13 of the regulation, the Ministry of Labor (MoL) issued the Flexible Working Instructions, it was published in Official Gazette No. 5509 of 2018 on page 1982.
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